1. What suggestions do you have for changing the assessment laws?
| None.The assessment law's as it is presently written in the louisiana constitution is prefect, clear and precise.The problem that we are facing is the misapplication and total disreqards of the will of the people and our constitution. |
2. Should assessors have influence on adjusting tax exemptions?
| NO. A Tax assessor have only one duty and one obligation! that is to the people that elected him, apply the constitutional principles to properties that are subjected to the advalorem tax as outline in Article seven, section 18 of the louisiana constitution. To have any influence in adjusting tax exemptions would be a voilation of the oath of office,code of ethics and the constitution. |
3. Do you favor a change in reducing the number of exempt properties? Please explain.
| NO. The properties that are exempt does not reduce nor take away any revenue from the government, for far too long people have been lyed to about this taxing system and how it works. how and who it should apply to and the only reason why people have been continue to be bamboozle about this property tax issue. is so that unscrupulous politician can controll the narritive and continue to raise tax. |