LWVLA Representation at LWVUS 2020
54th National Convention
Celebrating 100-Year History

LWVUS held its virtual 54th National Convention June 25-27, 2020. There were approximately 2500 League members from across the country registered for the Convention. Delegates, observers, board members and staff joined together virtually for this Convention. It was an outstanding and awesome event.

Louisiana was represented by 10 voting delegates from across the state and 4 observers.

Voting delegates were:

-Alicia Chaisson, LWV of Lafayette
-M. Christian Green, LWV of Lafayette
-Cherry Fisher May, LWV of Louisiana
-Joanne Pettit, LWV of Louisiana
-Hilda Walker Thomas, LWV of Louisiana
-Lisa Ray Diggs, LWV of New Orleans
-Yvonne Mitchell-Grubb, LWV of New Orleans
-Jessie Nieblas, LWV of New Orleans
-DeVoe Allen, LWV of St Tammany
-Linda Hawkins, LWV of St Tammany

Observers were:

-Rosalind Blanco Cook, LWV of New Oreleans
-Sue Dicharry, LWV of New Orleans
-Laurie Jones, LWV of St Tammany
-Alfred Douchette, Jr., LWV (MAL) Lake Charles

LWV Louisiana Supported and Sponsored the Virtual Caucus Webinar on Health Care

At the Convention, caucuses were offered on June 22-24 in one hour blocks and business sessions were held June 25-27.

Linda Hawkins, LWVLA Health Care Program Chair

Linda Hawkins, LWVLA Healthcare Program Chair was a presenter at the 2020 Convention. She participated in a caucus webinar on "America's Choices in the Health Care Debate." Linda is a member of the Planning and Public Relations Committees and is a longtime member of LWVUS network group. She also noted that the access to heath care is crucial and is especially urgent during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar was an overwhelming success with 597 registrants. You can visit the webinar at LWV Health Care Reform YouTube Channel.