

The League of Women Voters of Caddo-Bossier is a community based organization that focuses on local issues. First and foremost it works to raise awareness of the importance of exercising one’s right to vote. LWVCB sponsors voter registration drives, but its members also frequently dress as suffragists (circa 1920) when presenting programs in local schools and when participating in local parades, as a way of emphasizing the struggles of those who fought so hard for Democracy, not only on battlefields, but on the streets and in the legislative halls of this country.

LWVCB holds frequent educational seminars for the community on current local issues, such as race relations, tenant/landlord rights, legal rights of the average citizen, and the economic climate for women. We also participate in the local Cora Allen Day activities during National Women’s Week in March.

Members who join the League of Women Voters of Caddo-Bossier are also members of the League of Women Voters of Louisiana and the League of Women Voters of the United States.

Meeting Place

Shreveport City Court
1244 Texas Ave
Shreveport, LA 71101

Membership Contact Information

Tena Hines, Treasurer
LWV of Caddo-Bossier
P.O. Box 38083
Shreveport, LA 71133

Board Information

Gisele Proby-Bryant, President
Charlene Kelley, Vice President
Mia Cooper, Secretary
Tena Hines, Treasurer