Nonpartisan Political Organization Encouraging Civic Participation in Government

Healthcare Committee Archive


Build and sustain an evolving organization with visible members who actively participate in the advancement and support of LWVUS and LWVLA healthcare policy positions through outreach and local and statewide collaborations.

The committee’s scope and activities include:
1. Educate
2. Engage
3. Advocate and promote

The committee’s goals:
1. Grow Committee (Leadership/Membership)
2. Educate LWV Healthcare positions (general public, legislature, partners)
3. Advocate Healthcare Access and Coverage
4. Promote and Connect with local Leagues engaging stakeholders

LWVLA Positions on Healthcare 1993 to Present (Behavioral Health added @ 2016 LWVUS Convention)

LWVLA’s Governor & Legislators Ltr. 2012 Petition for Extraordinary Legislative Session:  League’s policy work example

Join our Healthcare Committee!: Email –


1. Videos:
        Power to Heal: Medicair and the Civil Rights Movement – Racial Justice Struggles and Healthcare intersect – Passage of Medicair (Federal Government) virtually ended the practice of racially segregating patients
        Health Insurance Explained – Quick Overview
        FIX IT “Healthcare at the Tipping Point” – Why & Solution (short version) 
        Young Adults – “Just Give It A Call” – Drops the beat on Health care in song  & “It’s A Beautiful Thing” 
2. Affordable Care Act
3. Champions for Coverage
4. Marketplace Enrollment  – Healthcare Insurance Basics
5. Medicaid Expansion & Enrollment

6. Health Care Reform 4 US and League of Women Voters US
7. General


Power to Heal:
Medicair and the Civil Rights Movement – Racial Justice Struggles and Healthcare intersect
Passage of Medicair (Federal Government) virtually ended the practice of racially segregating patients

In-depth look into how our dysfunctional health care system works 


ACA became law –  March 23, 2010

The law was designed to begin to expand health care coverage, control costs, & improve the health care delivery system.


 Leagues can and should join the Champions list in Healthcare Outreach  

Learn More – Click Titles to Open: Valuable information to stay engaged, learn & advocate  

 Public Champion List

Join & get updates

     Coverage to Care  

Resources Available 

Young Adults Strengthen the Marketplace 

Marketplace Access – Incarcerated People – Special Rules, Definitions Apply


Health Insurance Marketplace Open

November 1, 2021 – January 15, 2022

Enroll by December 15, 2021 – Coverage Starts January 1, 2022

Enroll December 16, 2021 – January 15, 2022 – Coverage Starts February 1, 2022

  • New Law (American Rescue Plan)
  • Cost Savings Reduction subsides -expanded to people over 400% FPL
  • Lower Prices
  • More People Qualify
  • Health Insurance Basics: Quick Reference tool explains health insurance & more…



     Governor John Bel Edwards signed Executive Order (JBE 16-01) January 12, 2016 expanding Medicaid by July 1, 2016 & providing healthcare access to LA citizens 

    Details and Assistance Click Links below: Louisiana Department of Health (formerly LA Dept. of Health & Hospitals) 

    Healthy Louisiana


    HCR4US: A network of national league members working to keep the League’s position on healthcare front and center

    Advancing Health Care: For decades local and state leagues lobbied for comprehensive healthcare reform 

    LWVUS– Social Policy Position on Health Care: Promote a health care system for the U.S. that provides access to a basic level of quality care for all U.S. residents and controls costs…

    Behavioral Health Position: Convention 2016 “Every U.S. resident should have access to affordable, quality in- and out-patient behavioral health care, including needed medications and supportive services that are integrated with, and achieves parity with physical health care.”


    Louisiana Health Care Commission (LHCC): LWVofLA has a seat on the commission and appoints a representative. Members’ review and study health care issues in LA. Legislative Session in 1992 Act 1068 created the commission.