Bonnie Schmidt Chair –
The LWVLA’s position on criminal justice advocates for a criminal justice system that is just, effective, equitable, transparent, and that fosters public trust at all stages, including policing practices, pre-trial procedures, sentencing, incarceration, and re-entry. With recent changes to Louisiana law in 2019 that provided for restoration of voting rights to formerly incarcerated people with felony convictions have made education and advocacy on re-enfranchisement and restoration of voting rights important LWVLA concerns. The CJ Committee educates its members, the LWVLA and the public on criminal justice issues at the local, state, and national levels, and provides opportunities for further training and education to committee members and to the LWVLA organization. It also builds membership and interest by engaging with community members and sharing information on its activities, news about and from partner organizations, and news about the criminal justice system. The CJ Committee monitors legislative bills consistent with LWVUS and LWVLA public policy positions to support or oppose for each legislative session with input from Committee members and partner organizations. The Criminal Justice Committee chair represents the LWVLA on non-profit, non-partisan coalitions in the criminal justice field, and consults and work with leaders in the criminal justice field and partner organizations on common goals.
LWV of Louisiana Statement on the Second Extraordinary Session on Crime