Patrice Sentino – Chair
Healthcare Committee
The Healthcare Program Chair leads the state’s Healthcare Portfolio. Volunteers on the Healthcare Committee gain expertise in management, finance policy development, and advocacy as well as wider perspective on state and local governance and issues. The Healthcare Committee follows and advances the LWV’s Healthcare principles, positions, and policies at the legislature and in the news media through editorials and letters to the editor. The Healthcare Committee Chair is appointed by the Board as a commissioner to the Department of Insurance (DOI), Louisiana Health Care Commission (LHCC). Attending LHCC meetings is required to retain a seat on the commission. In that capacity, the LHCC chair complies with and meets timely provisions of the DOI and state appointment and rules of the Senate, Code of Governmental Ethics, Oaths of Office including Party Disclosure Questionnaire completion, Senate & Governmental Affairs Comm. Questionnaire completion and notary public and witness requirements for confirmation ensuring the League’s Commission representation. The Healthcare Committee Chair participates in activities and events with public partners, key stakeholders, and relevant organizations to inform and advance the League’s healthcare position(s). The Healthcare Committee tracks relevant activities in healthcare and related fields to inform board, members, partners, and public; provides technical assistance to Leagues’ locally, statewide as well as community-based organizations; and develops, maintains, and manages communications via social media and virtual platforms to educate, inform, and advocate healthcare positions.

In 2023, Louisiana had the highest pregnancy mortality rate in the nation. This particularly affects pregnant patients of color, who have long suffered some of the nations highest rates not only of pregnancy mortality, but also pregnancy complications and unnecessary caesarean sections. All this has been worsened by the Dobbs decision and the triggering of abortion bans in Louisiana. To avoid the appearance of abortion in case of miscarriage, pregnant people are being told to come in later for pregnancy care and being subjected to major surgery instead of routine care in the event of emergencies. All of this means that the pregnant people in Louisiana are now at even greater risk of encountering medical emergencies related to pregnancy that EMTALA is intended to address. EMTALA care must include pregnancy care our lives are on the line in Louisiana. M. Christian Green, president, LWV of Louisiana