Nonpartisan Political Organization Encouraging Civic Participation in Government

Voting Rights Committee

M. Christian Green – Chair

The function of the LWVLA Voting Rights Committee is to lead and support LWVLA lobbying and educational efforts related to protecting and expanding access to the right to vote. Activities of the VRC chair include, but are not limited to: (1) working on projects at the national level with LWVUS and any partner organizations LWVUS may designate for the purpose through a range of methods up to and including litigation, (2) working with state voting rights coalition partners on poll monitoring, legislative interventions, and other matters, (3) monitoring legislation on voting rights and elections, coordinating email, in-person, and other submissions to legislative committees as needed, (4) coordinating special inquiries into voting rights related issues, such
as voter purges and polling place closures, and (5) working with the Voter Services Committee chair to educate voters on how to maintain their voter registration and access to the polls.

Litigation & Legislative Advocacy

Redistricting 2022